Saturday, 28 December 2013

Further updates

It has been increasingly difficult to get enough internet speed to keep this blog updated so I have decided to continue to post on the ADVRIDER site only and not this blogsite. I will also be updating on facebook most days as well.

The link is for the ADVRIDER thread is


Email contact is

Facebook ID Peter-4d


Saturday, 21 December 2013

Exploring the hill behind Kupang

Now that I am resigned to not getting out of Kupang to Ende until Xmas day I decided I needed to get out on the bike and do a bit of exploring. Headed off into the hills behind Kupang. A mixture of good road, potholes, dirt tracks and mud.

Nice to get a bit of elevation as the temperature drops quickly the higher you climb and riding all the gear all the time can be a bit bloody hot, but I have made the commitment to ride as safe as possible so I just have to suck it up. Unfortunately my gear is taking on the smell of an old moldy sock especially my helmet, but there is not much I can do but dry it out as best I can at the end of the day

A few photos from the day.

Typical road in the hills.

Stopped to take on some water and gained an audience.

View looking over the hills

For those who wanted to see a Timor Pony...done but very skinny

Heading into a bit of weather

Have meet up today with a couple from Europe riding an old 1200cc Harley Davidson heading the same way as me, so we will team up to tackle the island of Flores. Should make it a bit easier for all of us as I know what's required for the ferry and he can speak some Indonesian.

Friday, 20 December 2013

It's beginning to feel like I will be here for Xmas.

After missing the ferry yesterday by about 5 metres I have been looking at other options.

It looks like there may be a ferry to Ende in Flores on Xmas day. Not my idea of a great way to spend Xmas, but if I can get to Ende it looks like I can the get another ferry to Bali around the New Year. Means I will miss new year in Bali with some friends, but such is life. At least I will be moving north.

The staff here at the Hotel La Hasienda are all getting into the Xmas spirit and wearing there little Santa hats as they work.

See if you can pick out Micheal the big German owner?


Thursday, 19 December 2013

Adventures on the ferry or not

First up a big thank you to Michael and the crew a the La Hasienda Hotel. My stay could not have been better and everything was perfect. If you are ever in Kupang you really must stay there.

Today is my first experience of the highly organised and efficient Indonesian Ferry system. OK only joking.....absolute bloody shambles.


Got here at 8am as I was told to be here early, but the 12 noon boat is now the 2pm boat and they won't let me purchase a ticket till 1pm. Welcome to the world of hurry up and wait. I have to say I have been keep entertained by the loading and unloading as there is always 3 or 4 ferries in at one time. They call for vehicles to come forward to load only to change there mind as the now want to offload a couple of vehicles from a ferry, then everything has to back up to let them off. I kid you not, but this must have happen 10 times in the space of a couple of hours.

Lots of people getting the ferries as it's so close to Xmas and everyone is returning to the hometown to spend Xmas with the relatives. Not sure where I will be spending Xmas as yet, but I expect I will still be in Flores.

I started writing this report about 8 hours ago and things chance.....not always for the better.

When the ticket booth finally opened up everyone formed a neat line so they could purchase a ticket.....NOT. Had all the discipline of a mob. Everyone rushes the window trying to push their way towards the ticket seller. Well I did my best impression of a hungry Rugby Forward fighting for the ball in a ruck. The guy in front of me was happy as I used my weight to propel him ever closer to the window knowing that if I got him there I was next. It sort of worked, but then heavens opened up before I got there, but I could not back off now and ended up soaked to the skin.

Now the ferry is running about 2 hours late and then they finally call for the hoard of motorcycles to start loading. I got in the pack early, so I had maybe 60 bikes in front of me and a hundred or so behind me. After about an hour I find myself riding down the ferry ramp with about 5 bikes in front of me and then...... one of the Ferry staff steps out and tell us the "FERRY IS FULL".


I am just gutted, I have spent the whole day preparing for the Ferry trip only to be turned back at the last minute. So nothing for it and I am back at the Hotel La Hacienda and trying to make new plans. Unfortunately it looks like I wont get a ferry to anywhere either north or west of Kupang until at least xmas day.

Always said it not an adventure until something F$#ks up. Well now its an adventure.


Monday, 16 December 2013

Dilli to Kupang Indonesia

Back online....well sort of. It has taken me 2 hours to download 4 photos this morning, but I have enough to give you a quick update.

I left Dili on the 14th to head toward the Indonesian boarder. Amazing coastline, with lots of inshore reefs and what looks like big drop offs in very deep water. Lots of very small boats out fishing the drop offs.

The road was a mixture of one section of new road (maybe 10km) and the rest was really poor road with lots of potholes, dirt, rocks, missing bits, landslides and of course the bus tearing around blind corners straight at you.

Made it to the Balibo turnoff and had to take the journey up into the mountains to pay my respects to the Balibo Five. I October of 1975, five journalist ( 2 Australian, 1 New Zealander and 2 UK) were murdered by the Indonesian Special Forces as the began the Indonesian occupation of East Timor. The house in which the sheltered is now a memorial to the five men.

The view looking back from Balibo

Made it to the boarder and leaving East Timor was a breeze, it only took about 10 minutes and everyone was friendly and happy. Then you cross the bridge to the Indonesian side and it seems that everyone forgot to take their happy pill that day. Unhelpfully and very slow to say the least, but eventually got the job done and I was glad to get out of there. I loved the questions like "I like your sunglasses. Do you want to give them to me?".

Stayed in Atambua which is not far from the boarder in the Hotel Matahari for about $22. I was OK and came with a decent breakfast which was good as I did not get anything to eat the night before as I was just too tired.

As there is no coverage on my Garmin maps for SE Asia I made notes on a piece of paper from the info off Google Maps. Still managed to get a little lost, but eventually found my way onto the Kupang road. Best way to check that you are on the right road is to be comforted by see one of the Kupang buses either coming at you on the wrong side of the road or trying to overtake you on a blind corner. Roads improve greatly in Indonesia and some great twisty mountain roads although I am finding 80kph is fast here.


Going to move my Kupang Hotel today as the one I am in is a shithole. Pantai Timor Hotel and what they consider a bathroom. Check the bath and the ceiling.

You can try following me on my Spot Tracker as it seems to be working OK.


Saturday, 14 December 2013

Beach Hotel, Bintang Beer and a Bro

Caught up last night with Tony who can to my rescue on day one when I discovered I was geographically chalenged and without phone coverage. Helped me find my way and even sorted out a map to stop me from getting lost yet again.

Tony is in Timor teaching English to adult students including some of East Timors rich and powerful. Prior to East Timor he was working for four years in Cambodia (where he meet his charming wife) and has promised to point me in the right direction as I get closer.

Meet up with Tony and later on his loverly wife at the Dili Beach Hotel, which to my surprise was on the beach.

View out to sea

Normal traffic at 6:30 at night

Enjoyed a few beers with Tony and his wife whilst watching the sun go down, not one of Timors best so no photos.

Spending the day tiding up a few loose ends and will head off in the general direct of Kupang tomorrow as apparently the roads are getting pretty bad due to the wet season. Had planned to be here a month earlier, but I have to adapt to the conditions as I go.

Stinking hot down here at sea level so I looking forward to some elevation and slightly cooler weather.

Life is Adventure.


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Getting organised....maybe

Spent the day packing and repacking my gear untill I got close to fitting nearly every thing in, but not all. Some donations will be going to the staff at East Timor Backpackers. I sure I will lighten the load as I go, but for now everything I need plus some shit that I'm sure I really dont need are spread over two panniers, one small top box, a drybag and a tankbag.

Had to go into Timor Plaza for a few things and got myself a data card for the Ipad as the wifi here is so slow you really can't load photo. So now I have included a few photo's just to add to the story.

My ticket to Adventure

On the big bird of freedom

East Timor Backpackers and the Pink Suite ($20 with Aircon)

The Yellow Moster visits a few beaches.

The end of the day has is rewards


Could not resist this after coming for an industry obsessed by Health and Safety. This is at the Timor Plaza which is Dili's largest shopping mall which is undergoing expansion.


I will think of a prize for the person who can identify the most breaches of HS&E in the three photos below,


Life is an Adventure.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Bikes on the way to East Timor

Managed to get the bike prepared and loaded in time for the barge cutoff time. Even Australian Customs was helpful and stamped my Carnet de Passage dispite the document having a start date of the 1st of December.

Total cost for shipping the bike (Toll Marine) with the panniers fitted and uncrated from Darwin to Dilli was only $420, but I think the guys in the international freight office did me a favour or two when they measured the bike ( thanks Guys, I owe you a very cold beer or two). All pretty easy and only took about 45 minutes to complete everything.


Bike loaded up for shipping to East Timor all that's missing is a tank bag and my waterproof roll bag which I will take on the plane.

Flight is booked for the 10th of December and hopefully I will be able to pick the bike up on the same day.

Life is adventure and the adventure is about to begin.


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Time to panic a little

Was looking forward to a slow week of prepping the bike, but went to Toll Marine to set up for a load date of the 2nd of Dec.......but no, they have changed the rotation of the vessels (yesterday) and I now must have the bike and all the gear there by 3pm tomorrow. Who brings a sailing forward by a week??? So now in a panic to get it all done as if I miss this sailing there is now nothing till the new year. Problem is my Carnet De Passage is Dated the 1st of December so I hope Customs will process it so I can load the bike.

Trying to quickly sort out what comes and what stays.

Life is adventure.....


Thursday, 21 November 2013

Made it to tropical Darwin

Well I finally made to Darwin. Four days 40,000 km far too much fatty food and fabulous accommodation, well not that fabulous.


The situation has improved greatly as I am now staying with a mate in his luxury waterfront home ( thank you Fred).


But I'm really here now and this is the jumping off point for my adventure. A few things to do before I have to load the bike on the barge to East Timor, but fortunately I should be able to get access to one of my ex clients workshop to complete everything. Still wait for my Carnet de passage to arrive,despite paying for it over three weeks ago and I need it to pickup my Indonesian Visa according to the staff at the Indonesian Embassy, not sure why, but no point arguing with them.


Really getting quite excited about the trip to looking forward to getting the bike on the barge in about a weeks time and both the bike and myself should be in East Timor early December.


Life is Adventure.